Expense management
Status of expense management
Manually fulfill the reimbursement receipt
The approver is troubled by large number of expense reports, payment requests
Manual verification compliance policy and reimbursement policy of travel expenses
No automatic reminders
Manually check the status of payment and reimbursement by phone or mail
Based on the flow of paper documents
manual approval
artificial verification
Artificial prepared paying
Manually fulfill the accounting documents of the ERP and G / L system
Features of Expense management solutions
Online Map
Mileage calculation base on predefined rates
Support Google,BING and other maps
Allow users to add more waypoints or to manually change the routing suggested by map.
Traffic Light Warning
Business rules can be user maintenance
Compliance Enforcement
?● Traffic lights alert base on level of severity
?●Apply to combination of specific user/user group/department/period/expense type and etc
?● Business rules can be maintained by customer’s administrators
?●Hundreds pre-defined business rules for reference
Traffic Light-Explanation
?● Green for explanation (Soft Control)
For instance,the exchange rate input by user exceeds the tolerance set by administrators.
?● Yellow for information/warning (Soft Control)
For instance, user should not use payment types other than “Corporate Travel Card”
Both Green and yellow can lead to additional escalated routing in workflow.
?● Red for Stop (Hard Control)
For example,users are not entitled to claim laundry fees if the number of days in one trip is less then 5 days.
Embedded Workflow
Embedded Workflow flexibility
?●Standard Workflow (Solid line)
?●Policy Based Routing (Dotted line)
?● Submission/Approval
?● Delegation
?● Automatic Escalation
?● Full Audit Trial
Mobility Support
IOS – iPhone/iPad Application
Android Application
?● Native application for iPhone and iPad
?● Mobility user interface for other platforms such as
?● Blackberry and Android
?● Camera Roll – Receipt Uploaded as receipts
?● One-Click Camera integration - just “Point-and-shoot!”
Integration Capabilities
Get There/Amadeus
Intuitive insight to expenditures
? Solution delivers prepackaged reports and analytics that help business users address key organizational issues and take immediate action.
?● Credit Card Transactions Integration
Credit Card Transactions Import
Data feed from corporate card vendors (Such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Union Pay) to enable travelers to select charges and automatically populate the expense report, reducing creation time and avoiding data entry errors.
Users can have more than one card linked to their profile and are able to populate an expense report with multiple charges from different card providers.
The credit card information is updated as frequently as arranged between customer and their credit card provider.